Angkor Pass Goes Digital: Easier Access, More Convenience

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Angkor Enterprise and the Ministry of Tourism have introduced six new policies regarding the Angkor Pass:

1. One-Day Tickets: Starting at the end of September 2024, the requirement for collecting tourist information—such as photos, nationality, age group, and gender—will be eliminated for one-day tickets.

2. Three-Day and Seven-Day Tickets: The requirement for guest photography will remain in place for three-day and seven-day tickets until the end of 2024.

3. Simplified Control System: The number of control points at the four entrances will be reduced, with control points maintained only at the temple entrance.

4. Technology Upgrades: The Angkor Institute will develop an information technology system for ticket sales, including self-service machines, a mobile app, and enhanced electronic payment options.

5. Wristband Tickets: The Angkor Institute will explore the option of wristband tickets to streamline the verification process for tourists.

6. Phase 2 Ticket Reform: A joint working group will be established to review and develop Phase 2 of Angkor ticket reforms. This will involve offering tickets that cover multiple temples and will be implemented starting January 1, 2025.

Articles: Siem Reap Wonder Team
Photo: MK Blessed Photos

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