At Siem Reap Wonder, safeguarding the privacy and security of our customers' personal information is paramount. Our commitment to protecting your data is outlined in this unique Privacy Policy, delineating how we collect, utilize, divulge, and fortify your information while utilizing our services.

  1. Information We Collect:
    • Personal Information: When utilizing Siem Reap Wonder services, we gather personal details such as your name, email address, phone number, and payment particulars.
    • Usage Information: We may collate data concerning your interactions with our services, encompassing details about your bookings, routes, and preferences.
    • Device Information: Information about the device you employ to access our services, such as device type, operating system, and unique identifiers, may also be collected.
  2. How We Use Your Information:
    • To Provide Services: Your information aids us in delivering and customizing our transportation services, encompassing processing bookings, facilitating driver communication, and enhancing user experience.
    • For Customer Support: We may utilize your information to address your inquiries, furnish assistance, and resolve technical glitches.
    • For Marketing Purposes: Subject to your consent, we may disseminate promotional communications concerning our services, special offers, and updates.
  3. Information Sharing and Disclosure:
    • Service Providers: Trusted third-party service providers may receive your information to aid us in business operations, including payment processing, customer support, and marketing endeavors.
    • Legal Compliance: Your information may be disclosed to adhere to pertinent laws, regulations, legal proceedings, or governmental requisites.
  4. Data Security:
    • We institute fitting technical and organizational measures to shield your information against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.
  5. Your Rights:
    • You possess the right to access, amend, or erase your personal information. Additionally, you may have the prerogative to object to information processing or request its portability.
  6. Consent:
    • By availing Siem Reap Wonder services, you implicitly consent to the collection, utilization, and disclosure of your information as expounded in this Privacy Policy.
  7. Changes to This Policy:
    • We retain the right to revise or amend this Privacy Policy as necessary. Notification of any alterations will be provided by posting the updated policy on our website or through other suitable channels.
  8. Contact Us:
    • For inquiries, concerns, or requests regarding this Privacy Policy or our data practices, please reach out to us at [[email protected]].

By utilizing Siem Reap Wonder services, you affirm that you have perused and comprehended this Privacy Policy, consenting to its terms and conditions.

This Privacy Policy was last revised on 12 March 2024.

Thank you for selecting Siem Reap Wonder.

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