Siem Reap, Cambodia - View on map
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  • Languages : Khmer | Korean
  • Experience : 10 years
  • Phone Number : +855 1246****

Guide Fee

Overview: Introducing our "Guide Fee" package—ideal for travelers who need expert guidance without the extras. This package offers a professional tour guide service only, allowing you to explore [Destination] at your own pace. Whether you have your transport or want to create your itinerary, our knowledgeable guide will enhance your experience with valuable insights and local expertise. Package... Show more


Introducing our "Guide Fee" package—ideal for travelers who need expert guidance without the extras. This package offers a professional tour guide service only, allowing you to explore [Destination] at your own pace. Whether you have your transport or want to create your itinerary, our knowledgeable guide will enhance your experience with valuable insights and local expertise.

Package Includes:

  • Services of an experienced, English-speaking tour guide.
  • Personalized recommendations and insights during the tour.
  • Flexible start times and meeting points within [Destination].

Please Note:

  • No transport included: Guests must provide their transportation.
  • No predefined tour program: Guests are free to design their itinerary.
  • You Can contact to our customer service for more service if you need also.

Additional Information:

  • Duration: Flexible (half-day, full-day, or multi-day options available)
  • Language: (Other languages available upon request)
  • Availability: Year-round
  • Meeting Point: Arranged based on guest preference.

Booking Information: For bookings or inquiries, please contact us at +855 16 85 95 86. Enjoy a customized tour experience with the guidance of a local expert, tailored to your needs.

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4.362 ¥

작은 순환 코스 (앙코르 웡 토치) ( វង់តូច)

작은 순환 코스 (앙코르 웡 토치)   소요 시간: 종일 (08:00 - 17:00) 투어 유형: 역사, 문화 난이도: 쉬움에서 보통 언어: (요청 시 다른 언어 가능) 참고: 이 요금은 소규모 그룹(1-9명)에 적용됩니다   개요 작은 순환 코스(앙코르 웡 토치로도 알려짐)와 함께 앙코르의 영원한... Show more

작은 순환 코스 (앙코르 웡 토치)


소요 시간: 종일 (08:00 - 17:00)

투어 유형: 역사, 문화

난이도: 쉬움에서 보통

언어: (요청 시 다른 언어 가능)

참고: 이 요금은 소규모 그룹(1-9명)에 적용됩니다



작은 순환 코스(앙코르 웡 토치로도 알려짐)와 함께 앙코르의 영원한 경이로움을 발견하세요. 이 세심하게 구성된 투어는 장엄한 앙코르 와트, 신비로운 바이욘 사원, 자연이 지배하는 타 프롬 등 앙코르의 가장 상징적인 사원들을 안내합니다. 캄보디아 고대 크메르 제국의 건축적 장관, 영적 깊이, 역사적 중요성을 경험하세요.

주요 관광지

앙코르 와트: 세계 최대의 종교 기념물인 앙코르 와트에서 여정을 시작하세요. 힌두교 신화를 묘사한 정교한 부조를 감상하고 웅장한 건축의 섬세한 디테일을 발견하세요.

앙코르 톰 남문: 신들과 악마들의 조각상으로 장식된 인상적인 남문을 통해 고대 요새 도시 앙코르 톰에 들어가세요. 문 자체가 건축적 걸작입니다.

바이욘 사원: 앙코르 톰의 중심부에 있는 신비로운 바이욘 사원을 탐험하세요. 54개의 탑에 200개 이상의 웃는 돌 얼굴이 새겨진 것으로 유명합니다. 이 평온한 표정들은 자야바르만 7세 왕 또는 자비의 보살을 나타낸다고 여겨집니다.

바푸온 사원: 인상적인 3층 피라미드인 바푸온 사원을 방문하세요. 주변 정글의 멋진 전망과 평화로운 부처님 모습을 제공합니다.

코끼리 테라스와 나병왕 테라스: 정교한 조각으로 장식된 이 인상적인 테라스들을 걸어보세요. 한때 공공 의식을 위한 관람석과 왕의 전망대 역할을 했습니다.

타 프롬: 거대한 나무 뿌리가 고대 석벽과 얽혀있는 타 프롬의 신비로운 분위기를 느껴보세요. '툼 레이더'로 유명해진 이 사원은 자연과 역사의 완벽한 조화를 제공합니다.



08:00: 호텔에서 출발

08:30: 앙코르 와트 탐험

10:30: 앙코르 톰 남문 방문

11:00: 바이욘 사원과 주변 사원 발견

12:30: 현지 레스토랑에서 점심 (자비 부담)

13:30: 바푸온 사원으로 계속

14:30: 코끼리 테라스와 나병왕 테라스 방문

15:00: 타 프롬 사원 탐험

17:00: 호텔로 귀환


포함 사항: 선택한 언어를 구사하는 경험 많은 가이드

참고: 교통편에 관해서는 추가 정보가 필요한 경우 고객 지원팀에 문의하실 수 있습니다


불포함 사항

앙코르 입장권 (1일 37$, 1인당)

점심 식사와 음료

개인 경비

가이드와 운전기사 팁


편안한 걷기 신발

자외선 차단제 (모자, 선크림, 선글라스)


적절한 복장 (어깨와 무릎을 가리는 옷)

예약 정보

문의 및 예약은 +855 16 85 95 86 으로 연락 주시기 바랍니다. 가용성을 보장하기 위해 최소 48시간 전에 예약하는 것을 권장합니다.

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3.816 ¥

Small Circuit Tour ( វង់តូច ) Full Day (English language)

Small Circuit Tour (Angkor Wong Toch) Duration: Full Day (8:00 AM – 5:00 PM) Tour Type: Historical, Cultural Difficulty Level: Easy to Moderate Language: English (Other languages available upon request) Note: this price for small group (1-9 people)   Overview Explore the timeless wonders of Angkor with our Small Circuit Tour, also known as Angkor Wong Toch. This carefully curated... Show more

Small Circuit Tour (Angkor Wong Toch)

Duration: Full Day (8:00 AM – 5:00 PM)

Tour Type: Historical, Cultural

Difficulty Level: Easy to Moderate

Language: English (Other languages available upon request)

Note: this price for small group (1-9 people)



Explore the timeless wonders of Angkor with our Small Circuit Tour, also known as Angkor Wong Toch. This carefully curated tour takes you through the most iconic temples of Angkor, including the majestic Angkor Wat, the enigmatic Bayon, and the atmospheric Ta Prohm, where nature has reclaimed its space. Experience the architectural grandeur, spiritual depth, and historical significance of Cambodia's ancient Khmer Empire.


Angkor Wat: Begin your journey at the crown jewel of Angkor, Angkor Wat, the largest religious monument in the world. Marvel at its exquisite bas-reliefs depicting Hindu mythology and witness the intricate details of its grand architecture.

South Gate of Angkor Thom: Enter Angkor Thom, the ancient walled city, through its impressive South Gate, flanked by statues of gods and demons. The gate itself is an architectural masterpiece.

Bayon Temple: Discover the mysterious Bayon Temple at the heart of Angkor Thom, known for its 54 towers adorned with over 200 smiling stone faces. These serene expressions are believed to represent either King Jayavarman VII or the Bodhisattva of compassion.

Baphuon Temple: Visit the Baphuon Temple, a stunning three-tiered pyramid that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding jungle and a serene Buddha image.

Terrace of the Elephants and Terrace of the Leper King: Walk along these impressive terraces, adorned with intricate carvings, that once served as the grandstands for public ceremonies and the king’s viewing platform.

Ta Prohm: Experience the mystical atmosphere of Ta Prohm, where massive tree roots entwine with ancient stone walls. Made famous by the movie "Tomb Raider," this temple provides a perfect blend of nature and history.


8:00 AM: Pick up from your hotel.

8:30 AM: Explore Angkor Wat.

10:30 AM: Visit the South Gate of Angkor Thom.

11:00 AM: Discover the Bayon Temple and nearby temples.

12:30 PM: Lunch at a local restaurant (self-pay).

1:30 PM: Continue to Baphuon Temple.

2:30 PM: Visit the Terrace of the Elephants and the Terrace of the Leper King.

3:00 PM: Explore Ta Prohm Temple.

5:00 PM: Return to your hotel.


Experienced English-speaking guide

Private transportation with air conditioning

Cold water and towels


Angkor Pass ($37 for one day, per person)

Lunch and beverages

Personal expenses

Tips for guide and driver


What to Bring

Comfortable walking shoes

Sun protection (hat, sunscreen, sunglasses)


Modest clothing (shoulders and knees covered)

Booking Information

For inquiries and bookings, please contact us at +855 16 85 95 86. We recommend booking at least 48 hours in advance to ensure availability.

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4.362 ¥


It was built by Suryavarman II as a vast funerary temple within which his remains were to be deposited. Construction is believed to have spanned some three decades. All of the original religious motifs derived from Hinduism, and the temple was dedicated to the gods Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu.     Tour service inclusion: -          Temple... Show more

It was built by Suryavarman II as a vast funerary temple within which his remains were to be deposited. Construction is believed to have spanned some three decades. All of the original religious motifs derived from Hinduism, and the temple was dedicated to the gods Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu.     Tour service inclusion: -          Temple entry ticket -          Air-coned vehicle -          English speaking tour guide -          1 bottle of drinking water -          Cool towel   -          Breakfast at local restaurant   

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14.695 ¥
From 6.324 ¥
Start Date
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